Discussion → Bloody Mary by Rainbow Reed

  • Mummy_pic.thumb
    Nov 15, 02:26pm

    The blackened room,

    Sat in the gloom.

    A tap drips slow

    Floor creaks below,

    In dead of night,

    Rose eerie sight.

    A yellow mist,

    Clawed and hissed,

    Drip, drip, drip…

    Hot steam creeping,

    Water seeping,

    Covering all,

    In steamy shawl…

    Woken from sleep

    Through steam you creep,

    Cursing the flood,

    Hear water thud,

    Drip, drip, drip….

    Grey mist clears,

    Mirror leers,

    Take a chance,

    A furtive glance.

    Pale girl staring,

    Red eyed, glaring,

    Wild, banshee screams.

    Silver knife gleams…

    Drip, drip, drip….

    Slumped on floor,

    To breathe no more,

    He lies alone.

    She flies home.

    To wait once more

    At deaths door

    For whispered name,

    To begin the game

    As peaceful again,

    Outside the rain,

    Goes, drip, drip, drip.


    Rainbow Reed

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