55 Words #1

by Robert Salley, Aug 22, 2011 | 3 comments

Who you are

by Wendy Fontaine, Aug 15, 2011 | 10 comments

11:11AM Eastern Standard Time:

by Robert Salley, Jul 11, 2011 | 4 comments

55 words #4

by Bobbi Lurie, Jul 09, 2011 | 10 comments

  1. Months ago…
  2. sent The Wordless Realm to the group.
  3. sent Ode To A Wave to the group.
  4. joined.
  5. joined.
  6. sent We Get All Kinds Here to the group.
  7. joined.
  8. Sorry, newbie mistake. I put this in the wrong place. :)
  9. I married a penguin. Her waddle made for a scenic view. Our feud began shortly after the ceremony. She accused me of being an alien. I retorted she should have come with a manual. We bicker like po...